Your partner designing the brighter future together
by leading healthy and safe living environment


About Human Rights

Labor/ Human Rights Policy

AirFirst protects the rights and interests of its employees and follows the principle of mutual respect for others.

  • Our principle

    In principle, we embody dignity and ethical values as executives and employees based on the value of mutual respect  and have the right to pursue happiness in relation to the provision of woren

    We guarantee employment security and fair wages for workers in social and economic aspects and strive in earnest to provide a supportive work environment.

    We abide by the standards of labor conditions under labor-related laws and regulations.

  • Our vision

    We abide by relevant laws and regulations and guarantee the rights to human dignity in practice regardless of age and gender as a fundamental value

    We treat our employees with fairness and equality without tolerating discrimination.

    We provide working the conditions and environments for employees under relevant laws and regulations.

    We provide our employees with fair opportunities in positions and promotions.

  • Our promise

    We are committed to abiding by the laws related to the labor conditions of employees.

    We listen to the grievances of employees and keep the anonymity and information related to them strictly confidential.

    We respect our employees and ensure they are not mentally or physically mistreated or feel threatened.

    We prohibit any form of workplace bullying and unreasonable discrimination.

    We create an environment where employees can openly communicate and express their thoughts and complaints.

Best Family Friendly Management

AirFirst was certified as a “Best Family-Friendly Management" provided by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in 2021.
In the future, we will strive to retain our “Best Family-Friendly Management" qualifications and stay committed to creating a supportive and positive corporate culture for both work and family.