Your partner designing the brighter future together
by leading healthy and safe living environment


Anonymous reporting system

The ‘Anonymous reporting system' is established / operated to maintain
AirFirst's ethical values and integrity, and the informant's anonymity is thoroughly guaranteed.

Please fill out the information with specific details and clarity based on the 5Ws-1H principle of providing essential information.
Please attach reference materials such as evidence and verification methods, so that we can process measures such as fact checks more expediently.
Reports can also be made by email or phone line below.
In the case of a simple complaint, an unclear subject / content, or being ascertained to be groundless slander, it may not be investigated even if a related report is filed.
Reporting a violation of compliance management
Reporting a violation of
compliance management
Acceptance of money, goods/ entertainment, unfair trade, other violations of laws/ internal regulations, etc.
  • 02-769-5511
Reporting a violation of human rights management
Reporting a violation of
human rights management
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
  • 02-769-5522
Report Now
Report Type
objects of report
  • * when writing anonymously, you can submit this documentation without your personal information
  • * If you register by e-mail, you will receive a reply to the processing results And the investigator of your case can contact you for further details.
contents of report
Attached files
Relation with the object company
*Confidentiality is strictly guaranteed