- Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Policy
We shall not impose any negative impact on people, society and the environment in all our business activities.
- Our principles
Safety, health and environmental protection are prerequisite conditions for our business operation.
Safety of our colleagues, customers, affiliates and communities, health and environmental protection are our top priorities.
Each one of us at AirFirst is responsible for safety, health and the environment.
Principles of safety, health and the environment should be applied to all of our business activities.
- Our visions
We achieve zero accident and zero incident in all business activities.
We provide a safe and healthy working environment for everyone who works with us and for us.
We provide high quality, safe and eco-friendly products and services that exceed customer's expectation.
We use all resources responsibly.
We pursue economically and environmentally sustainable business activities.
- Our promise
We comply with all applicable laws, social regulations and company requirements.
We responsibly design, manufacture and operate efficient, safe and eco-friendly facilities.
At AirFirst, every individual is responsible for the sustainable improvement of safety, health and the environment.
We proactively manage all the risks that can happen in our business activities.
We proactively encourage and promote this policy with our business affiliates and local communities.
We share safety, health and environmental knowledge and further promote communication with our stakeholders.
We provide resources, training, equipment and other support to fulfill this policy.
- Quality Policy
We provide superior quality through our continuous improvement process.
We provide products and services that meet the requirements set by our customers, quality standards and regulations.
- Our principle
We are recognized as the best company in the industrial gas industry in terms of quality of products and services.
We create commonly shared values between our customers and us by providing products and services that meet customer requirements.
Quality is an essential and top priority for all of our business activities.
All employees and business partners of AirFirst actively and voluntarily engage in providing high-quality products and services.
- Our vision
Quality control is the responsibility of all of us and we strictly follow the relevant procedures to ensure quality standards.
We respond quickly and effectively to satisfy our customer needs.
We continuously improve our processes and systems to produce more efficient and further sustainable quality.
We encourage continuous learning by sharing best practices.
We pursue development of technologies, products and services for sustaining quality and safety improvement.
- Our promise
We comply with government and industry regulations.
We provide KPI's required to establish quality standards.
We minimize business risk through transparent and effective management of technology, transaction and service processes.
We develop and support partners who possess and share common interests while following our compliance principle.
We provide training, guidance, support and related infrastructure required to comply with this policy.
- TCFD Supporter

We declared support for TCFD(Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).
Through this, we pursue ESG management by instilling a mindset for crisis response and ongoing greenhouse gas reduction activities.